Thursday, March 25, 2010

about life.

sorry for missing the tuesday question of the day, y'all, but...

bad news x2 on tuesday:
 - i found out about the apparent suicide of a friend. 
godspeed, tb.  you'll be missed more than you ever knew.  thank you for the ride home, and i'm glad we got to bond over our dads.  i will never forget that.
 - is now defunct.  for any of you who know me, you know this is a blow as well.

i had to reconcile these two things on the couch with mike.  he's such a great fella in times like this.  i swear i will resume blog stuff on the quick, my friends, i just need a minute, you know?  see you friday after the funeral or saturday.  thanks for your understanding.  sorry for the absense, but life happens, and sometimes, it happens sadly.

rip, tony.

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